Move Your Funnels to Clickfunnels 2.0 in Just 10 Seconds!

All your Clickfunnels 1.0 pages moved over to 2.0 in seconds, so you can save weeks of time and thousands of dollars.
From the Co-Founders Gusten Sun & Senaid Bačinović

Save Weeks of Time and Thousands of Dollars in "Funnel Moving" Services

Finally! No more manually moving your funnels over from Clickfunnels 1.0 to 2.0 - you can now literally move every single page you want over in a few seconds with a click of a button!

Stop doing everything manually

Imagine how much time you're saving when you have a tool that can move all your funnels over in literally seconds! Insane, we know.

1 Click transfer everything over

This is the only tool on the market that can download the 1.0 data and import it to your pages in 2.0, without you having to do anything.

Launch faster than everyone else

You'll have all your funnels live in no-time and be able to launch and get customers before everyone else, because you're LIVE when they build.

Here's How It Works

Super simple 3 step process ANYONE can do, even if you're not a "techy" person.

Buy your lifetime access and create your account in no time!


Download the Chrome extension and install it on your browser


Move all your funnels from your CF 1.0 account to CF 2.0

Choose Your Plan

This is only for EARLY founding members who join October 13 - 31st. Everyone else will pay a monthly subscription fee with limited pages, so lock in your deal now while you can!

The Business Plan

For those wanting to save hours of work moving funnels manually, and instead launch in seconds.
  • 1 Clickfunnels Account
  • Unlimited Pages Moved Over
  • Lifetime Access - No Subscription
  • ​Access to Private Community

$5,000 Value

Just $497

One Time Payment, No Monthly Fees

The Agency Plan

For those wanting to make money selling this as a service, and get clients to pay for funnel services.
  • 100 Clickfunnels Account
  • Unlimited Pages Moved Over
  • ​Make money selling this as a service
  • ​Get 1-2 clients and it's paid for automatically
  • Lifetime Access - No Subscription
  • ​Access to Private Community

$10,000 Value

Just $997

One Time Payment, No Monthly Fees

Meet The Founders

Built for Business Owners, By Business Owners

Senaid Bačinović

Senaid is a senior web developer with 15+ years of experience. After building 1k+ custom solutions for himself and clients like Aaron Fletcher, Kathryn Jones, Franco Urbaez, Peter Pru, Kevin David, and many more, he is now focused on building start-to-finish SaaS solutions (like this one) to help business owners quickly build their software empires.


Gusten Sun

Gusten is the #1 "celebrity clients" funnel builder, at least that's what Russell Brunson called him. After building over 500+ funnels for himself and clients like Clickfunnels, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Robert Kiyosaki and many more, and crossing over 7 figures in total revenue, he's now focused on helping business owners succeed online with sales funnels.

Frequently Asked Questions

 How does the tool work?

It's super simple, you just buy on this page, we send you the instructions how to create your account, you login and click 2 buttons: 1 - Copy and 2 - Paste! That's it - the tool will download your images and text from your page in 1.0 and import it to 2.0 in literally seconds! Nobody else can do this.

 What's the pricing for this?

We've spent 200 hours+ developing this so it's not cheap, and the price will continue going up. But right now you can get it at launch price for just $497 and you can literally move all your pages from 1 Clickfunnels account into your new 2.0 account.

 What if I get stuck and need help?

No problem, we have a link when you join where you can access a Private Community to get additional support and guidance if needed - but we also have video tutorials showing you how simple it is to setup. Literally anyone can do this, because it's just a few clicks and the tool does the rest.

 Is there a money back guarantee?

Due to the nature of our product, we've had to protect our company and development team against any potential fraud and theft, so there will be no refunds available, no exceptions. We've made the tool easy to use, and we provide tutorials on how to move your funnels to CF 2.0 so it shouldn't be an issue for you. And while there's no refunds available, we welcome feedback and you can always request additional updates. Our goal is to make your life easier, and that's exactly what this tool does. Should you have any additional questions, feel free to email us at By purchasing the tool you confirm that you've read and agree with this policy.
Copyrights 2022 | MOVEMYFUNNELS.COM
Due to the nature of our product, we've had to protect our company and development team against any potential fraud and theft, so there will be no refunds available, no exceptions. We've made the tool easy to use, and we provide tutorials on how to move your funnels to CF 2.0 so it shouldn't be an issue for you. And while there's no refunds available, we welcome feedback and you can always request additional updates. Our goal is to make your life easier, and that's exactly what this tool does. Should you have any additional questions, feel free to email us at By purchasing the tool you confirm that you've read and agree with this policy.